Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Winston Wednesday: The Great Outdoors

Living back in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with all the greenery makes it really easy to enjoy taking Winston for adventures outdoors. Winston loves the great outdoors. If he even hears the word "walk" he starts whining and jumping all over the place. He's quite the little character. The exercise is great for both of us and we always make sure we are prepared before we go out anywhere. Here are some tips to protect your dog when taking it outdoors for fun.

First you will need to make sure your dog is healthy enough for the physical exertion by taking it to your Veterinarian. You will want to get a thorough check up and make sure that all vaccinations are up to date. A rabies vaccination is required by law in all states and is extra important in case your dog encounters any wild animals such as raccoons, foxes, skunks or bats because they sometimes carry rabies. It is also important to get your dog started on a regimen of flea/tick prevention because they both can pose serious health risks. Fleas are also just itchy nuisances that multiple and spread throughout your house and yard. Ticks can carry a number of diseases which can also be transmitted to humans.

Once you have all of your preventative care out of the way you need to set aside the basics that are essential to a safe outdoor adventure. These basics include:

- Water and a bowl to keep your dog hydrated.
- ID tags on your dog's collar so that if your dog is able to be let off the leash or somehow got loose,   it can then be identified by whoever finds it and returned to you. Also make sure that your current rabies tag is on the collar as well. It's a good idea to have your dog microchipped as well in case the collar somehow fell off and animal control got ahold of your dog they could then scan for a microchip and all of your information would come up.
- The night before your outing look up information on all the nearest emergency animal clinics to the location you will be at just in case your dog needs Veterinary attention.
- Pet specific First-Aid Kit (you can buy these from your local pet store or online)

This is just a list of the basics. There is always more that could be added depending on your specific surroundings. Stay safe!

Happy Winston Wednesday!

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